Tag: youtube
All the articles with the tag "youtube".
Go Series - Imports, Package Management and Project Structure in Go
Published: at 07:22 PM (12 min watch)This is the third video in the Learn Go Series on local imports, remote imports, and project structure. I go over how to read imports and how to structure files to split code up as you build for better coding hygiene.
Go Bits - Go Playground
Published: at 07:22 PM (3 min watch)This is the first video in the Go Bits series, this series will be different Go topics that don't quite fit the beginner series on learning Go, but can be helpful to you on your path to learning Go or exploring new techniques. This video is focused on the Go Playground, and how you can use it as a useful tool for easily testing new features, packages, or programming logic, and allowing you to easily be able to share your work with others for comments.
Go Series - Running and Building in Go
Published: at 07:22 PM (4 min watch)This is the second video in the Learn Go Series focusing on running programs in Go and building your program into a binary. This series is beginner friendly with additional detail put into practical applications.