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Command Line

Published: at 03:22 PM (7 min read)

Command Line Learnings

Between recently finishing one of my final semesters, and working full-time, I haven’t had much time to work on my blog, yet alone completing some of the massive backlog of online courses or many project ideas I have yet to start. But, since the semester is coming to an end and I’ve had some more time added to my day due to COVID-19, I’ve been trying to dedicate a good portion of that time to filling in any technical gaps I currently have, or venturing into new territories.

So, today’s topic is Command Line Learnings. I have a master sheet of topics that either I find interesting to learn about, or I feel as though I don’t have a strong background in. When I come across a seemingly good quality tutorial or course on the topic, I like to link those up on my sheet and have a list handy. This helps me to at least set some sort of goal of completion. This time, I decided to work on my bash skills. Since working as an (Infrastructure/Platform) Engineer I’ve been able to learn quite a bit on the command line from CI/CD pipelines, Linux boxes, MakeFiles, even my personal workstation (switched to a Mac from Windows). But, over the past few months I’ve picked up some neat tips and tricks from co-workers and realized that I was missing some of the basics just because they weren’t in my workflow. This led me to try out a trial of Codecademy Pro, specifically the “Learn the Command Line” course to see what I’ve been missing that a beginner course could offer.

The Course

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There are definitely different learning styles out there, some folks may learn better by sitting in a lecture hall and reading powerpoint slides, and some may learn better with more hands on approaches. I’m in the latter group for this, and Codecademy always was alluring because I can learn by doing. In the past I did a few syntax courses, Python, HTML, CSS, maybe PHP? But, none of them were really impressive enough for me to want to spend the money on a subscription. They all seemed like glorified syntax courses. Don’t get me wrong, syntax is important, but, once you learn a language I feel like a ‘Hello World’ program suffices for what you need to hit the ground running. Either way, I really enjoyed this course and it would have been pretty useful for me to take a couple of years ago, but, most of the information was just a review.

The course is split up into five different sections (shown below), I think that the most useful section for me was Redirecting Input and Output. I’ll talk briefly about each of the sections below.

Overall, I think the course was pretty good for the ~2-3 hours I spent on it, and I got some good takeaways and a much needed review. As far as whether or not I would actually pay for the Pro version for this, probably not. But, I think there are some other alternative courses such as LinuxAcademy that are similar teaching styles that may allow you to take those for free. If all else fails, there are plenty of resources online to learn the basics!

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